
June 24, 2024

Aerial view of Phuket luxury villas and coastline.

Phuket Real Estate Boom: Foreign Buyers Drive Market to New Heights

Phuket’s real estate market is experiencing an unprecedented boom, with foreign buyers snapping up vacation properties and driving the market to new heights. The island has surpassed pre-COVID levels, with a total market value of $12.8 billion USD in the first quarter of 2024 alone. This surge is fueled by a combination of factors, including increased tourism, attractive visa policies, and a growing...

Samui coastline properties and legal documents overview.

Understanding the Legal Requirements for Buying Property in Samui

Buying property in Samui, Thailand, involves navigating a complex legal landscape that can be challenging for foreigners. Understanding the legal requirements and restrictions is crucial for a smooth and successful property transaction. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide to the legal aspects of purchasing property in Samui, from the types of ownership available to foreigners to the role of...

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