In 2004, Sandra O’Neill embarked on a new journey by relocating from Marbella, Spain, to Phuket, Thailand, with the vision of establishing a real estate agency. Over the span of more than 15 years, Sandra’s expertise and dedication led to the successful sale of hundreds of villas and condos, positioning her as a premier agent on the island.
It was during this time that Sandra’s path crossed with Gaël, a seasoned digital marketing consultant from France with two decades of experience in Thailand, specializing in the short term rental sector.
The synergy between Sandra’s sales acumen and Gaël’s digital marketing skills was undeniable. They shared a common vision for their agency – to maintain its status as an independent, boutique operation, offering personalized, discreet services to their clients, both buyers and sellers, with a focus on the luxury real estate market, a niche they identified as ripe with opportunity.
Now, five years later, with four children enriching their lives, Sandra and Gaël continue to steer their agency forward as a family-run business, extending their reach to both Phuket and Koh Samui. Their collaboration not only underscores the strength of combining diverse skills but also highlights their commitment to offering exceptional real estate experiences in Thailand’s luxury market.