
Phuket Real Estate Boom Raises Money Laundering Concerns Amid Russian Influx

  • 2 weeks ago
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Aerial view of Phuket's coastline with luxury properties and construction cranes, indicating real estate boom and foreign investment.

Phuket’s real estate market has experienced a significant boom, with property prices rising by 15-20% over the past couple of years. This surge has coincided with an influx of foreign nationals, particularly affluent Russians, leading to suspicions of money laundering and other illegal activities.

Key Takeaways

  • Real estate prices in Phuket have risen by 15-20% in recent years.
  • Affluent Russians are the primary foreign investors in Phuket’s property market.
  • Authorities are concerned about potential money laundering and other illegal activities.
  • Over 100 individuals, including 67 Russians, have been charged with breaking business laws.
  • The crackdown has led to the seizure of significant assets and bank accounts.

Surge in Real Estate Prices

Phuket has seen a dramatic increase in real estate prices, with land in some areas rising from 3 million baht per rai to about 9 million baht per rai. Prime locations like Patong have seen prices soar to around 120 million baht per rai. This surge is attributed to the growing demand from foreign nationals, particularly Russians, who have been investing heavily in villas and condominiums.

Factors Driving the Boom

Several factors have contributed to this real estate boom:

  1. Russian-Ukraine War: The conflict has led to an influx of affluent Russians seeking to invest in Phuket’s real estate market.
  2. Amenities: Phuket offers international schools, good transport infrastructure, a deep-sea port for yachts, and golf courses, making it an attractive destination for wealthy foreigners.
  3. Investment Opportunities: Many buyers purchase luxury residences primarily for investment purposes, with 79% buying for rental income and 21% for personal use.

Concerns Over Illegal Activities

Amid the real estate boom, the Department of Special Investigation (DSI) has raised concerns about potential illegal activities, including:

  • Falsely inflating property prices
  • Tax evasion
  • Using properties as fronts for criminal syndicates
  • Laundering money from illegal sources
  • Holding clandestine gatherings of foreign criminals
  • Integrating digital currencies within currency exchange businesses

Crackdown on Illegal Activities

In response to these concerns, Thai authorities have launched a crackdown on illegal activities in Phuket’s real estate market. Over 100 individuals, including 67 Russians, have been charged with breaking business laws. The crackdown has led to the seizure of significant assets, including land deeds, bank accounts, and work permits.

Impact on Local Population

The rapid increase in property prices has made homes in Phuket unaffordable for ordinary Thais. Local residents have expressed frustration over the influx of foreign investors, particularly Russians, who they believe are taking jobs and opportunities without proper work visas and business permits.

Government Response

The Thai government has taken several measures to address these issues:

  • Crackdown on Nominee Networks: Authorities have targeted Thai nominee networks that help foreigners, mainly Russians, set up real estate companies illegally.
  • Ombudsman Orders: National Ombudsman Songsak Saicheua has ordered Phuket officials to resolve the issue of foreigners holding land through nominees, warning of the potential economic and social implications.
  • Arrests and Seizures: The DSI has arrested several individuals involved in illegal real estate activities and seized significant assets.

Future Outlook

While the crackdown aims to curb illegal activities, there are concerns that it could deter foreign investment. The Phuket Real Estate Association has called for a balanced approach to ensure that legitimate investments are not discouraged. The government is also considering amending outdated laws to better address the issue of foreigners using nominees to hold land.

As Phuket continues to attract foreign investors, authorities will need to strike a balance between encouraging investment and preventing illegal activities to ensure the long-term stability of the real estate market.


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Gaël Ovide-Etienne
Gaël oversees all marketing efforts for Ocean Worldwide. He manages marketing campaigns to connect with prospective buyers, conducts research and market analysis, and leverages AI to enhance all aspects of the business. This approach ensures better and faster results for our buyers and sellers.

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